Thursday 6 June 2013

Film Study “Cast Away” - Assignment from Mr. Chesser

1. Do a character sketch of the Tom Hanks character, and do the best job you can on a character sketch of Wilson.

Chuck Noland (played by Tom Hanks) was a system analyst at FedEx in 1995. He was in his thirties, pudgy, in a serious relationship with his girlfriend Kelly. In a FedEx airplane crash accident in a tropical ocean, he survived and woke up on an uninhabited island. Despite the loneliness, with his strong will, he had been fighting for living, for being rescued everyday until a ship found him four years later. Things had been changed in the four years. He was assumed dead. Extremely shocked and disappointed, he met Kelly’s husband and was told she has become a mother. His heart was broken because Kelly was all his hope when he was on that island. Still, he went back to work as a professional and delivered the unopened package which was washed up to the island four years ago.

Wilson, Chuck’s one and only best friend on the island, was a personalized Wilson volleyball. It was created by Chuck when he accidentally cut his hand bleeding when making fire. He angrily threw the ball, leaving the bloody hand print on it. Gradually, Chuck drew a red face on the ball using his blood, made its hair from leaves, and started talking to “him”. Chuck took him wherever he went. Unfortunately, on the last voyage Chuck paddled out to the ocean seeking for rescue, Wilson drifted away in the ocean. Chuck made all his effort to save his life. Unwillingly, he gave up the struggle in despair, shouted “I’m sorry, Wilson!”, and cried for losing Wilson.

2. While on the island, the Tom Hanks character survives quite nicely. What are two things or ideas that help keep him alive?

The two things or ideas that help keep him alive are his strong will to survive and Kelly, his girlfriend. Even Chuck had been all alone for four years, he never gave up the hope of going back home, back to Kelly.

3. Why did the Tom Hanks character “Need” the volleyball, do you think?

At Chuck’s point of view, the volleyball was not a volleyball, it was Wilson, his best friend. He needed Wilson to keep him company while he was waiting for rescue on that uninhabited lonely island.

4. Would you want to leave the island? Why or why not?

Yes. I would want to leave the island because I would be driven crazy living like this. I need family, friends and a social life.

5. What do you think of the believability of this film? Do you think this could really happen?

Yes, similar situations could really happen. In fact, a real case happened years ago in Asia when people found a man had lived by himself in the mountain for years.

6. How many thumbs for this film? Why?

Two thumbs up. I like the plot very much. When Chuck finally met Kelly, when they both realized that they could not be back together, their hearts broke, mine too.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Frankenstein Movie Review - Assignment from Mr. Chesser

This horror movie made in year 1931 was not that horror compared to the 3D ones in the twenty-first century. The scene freaked me out was when the Monster showed up in the bride’s room but she was locked “safely” by the groom, Dr. Frankenstein.

Is high technology always good? Would there be unexpected negative consequence happened one hundred years later? High technology such as gas plants which were scheduled in Oakville and Mississauga. I am glad that they are cancelled even the price tag on the cancellation of both gas plants is nine-digit. The price they cost may be much higher after they run or hundreds of years later.
Like the Monster, who can make sure human can still control that high technology or it can still benefit human for that long time.

Thursday 30 May 2013

My Poem for the Interview - Assignment from Mr. Chesser

My Poem for the Interview

Not That Different

                                 by Sharon Kuo

In Switzerland there was Dr. Frankenstein,

To put the dead body parts altogether to alive.

Unfortunately, it was given no identity.

In ancient China there was Emperor Chin,

To build the Great Wall altogether to survive.

Incredibly, it was a solid boundary.

The Doctor researched to bring the death back to life.

The Emperor pursued the ambition throughout his life.

greatwall.jpgApart from thousands of years,

They both had the same thing in mind,

--- the Eternity.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

PHILADELPHIA movie - Assignment from Mr. Chesser

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The movie Philadelphia was an American drama film made in 1993. It was directed by Jonathan Demme and stars Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington.
There are two reasons that I picked this film for my culminating activity. First, I had been living in Philadelphia for two years. The scene of the city of Philadelphia and the song “Streets of Philadelphia” really touch my heart. Second, the film was made in 1993, the year I finished the business graduate school at Drexel University in Philadelphia. I watched this film in a movie theatre in Taiwan after obtained my Master's degree. While the beginning scenes along with the theme music were playing, I was wiping my tears in the dark, dreaming that I was walking on the streets of Philadelphia, strolling around the river side, the art museum, the John Wanamaker's department store, and many more ...
Robert Jonathan Demme (born February 22, 1944) is an American filmmaker, producer and screenwriter. Best known for directing The Silence of the Lambs, which won him the Academy Award for Best Director, he has also directed the acclaimed movies Philadelphia, Rachel Getting Married, the Talking Heads concert movie Stop Making Sense and a trilogy of Neil Young documentary/concert movies. He has been involved in the film industry since 1971. (source: Wikipedia)
The main setting of this film was the law firm in Philadelphia in 1993. The conflict of the main character, Andrew Beckett (Tom Hanks), was that he was somewhat ashamed of and afraid of revealing the fact to his homophobic and aids-phobic partner boss that he was gay and was contracted aids. He did not want to risk his promising career. But after his boss found it out then fired him using an excuse, Beckett fought back against him for his right for work and was not ashamed of being gay and having aids.

Joe Miller (Danzel Washington) was the antagonist. At first, Miller made only a slight difference from others. He was aids-phobic but not homophobic. After he clarified the safe distance and precuations of being around with aids people, he was not that aids-phobic. When he found out that Beckett had been discriminated by others for aids, he defended and justified Beckett's right, which was very brave of Miller back then.
This film covered many themes, including discrimination against aids and race. I would say there was an educational meaning in this film in terms of aids because Beckett won the lawsuit, which explained that aids is not a sin. From the view point of racial discrimination, this film demonstrated equal competence of both lawyers, one white and one black, which is against the stereotyped image of lawyers.

Monday 27 May 2013

Tuesdays with Morrie - Assignment from Mr. Chesser

This novel is certainly worth reading in this classroom because the students here still have great chances to make life prosperous. Also, viewing life from the point of view of death, inspires me to rethink how to make the best use of time in terms of the relationship with friends and family, personal potential development, my responsibilities, enjoying the rest of my life, giving back to the community, what I can leave for my family tree, etc. The most important thing is what I can do from now on.
Oftentimes I would think it is lucky for Mitch Albom to find Morrie Schwartz again and have him as an old wise mentor. I appreciate Mitch Albom for sharing his luck with us.